Ahmad Bin Majid International School

Early Childhood-Flagship

Early Childhood Program

Early Childhood Program

  • A bilingual environment, where both English and Arabic teachers are present in class the whole time.
  • Follows Agharid (governmental curriculum) for Arabic and Islamic studies.
  • Follows Safari (Cambridge education) curriculum for English and Mathematics.
  • The students enjoy multiple activities such as P.E., art, science experiment, story time, and cooking.
  • Classrooms are set to implement the Montessori methodology which emphasizes the full educational and developmental process.
  • Encourages children towards independence and learning through play.
Character Building and Values
  • Guides students to explore and develop in a holistic manner.
  • Very keen on tradition, values, and principles.
  •  Establishes our lesson implementation on national and religious events.
  • Religious sessions are conducted every morning and over the day. They learn Dua’a, Ahadith and Qur’an.
  • Imparts the Omani culture in various ways through different activities.
  • Guides our children to kindness, independence, care, and other important values.
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