Ahmad Bin Majid International School

Umrah- Flagship

Umrah Leadership Program

Umrah Leadership Program

  • School organises an Umrah trip for the students every year.
  • The school arranges to and fro air tickets and standard hotel accommodation monitored by the school.
  • Discounts are offered if siblings travel together.
  • The trip is for 5 days which includes; 3 days in Mecca and 2 days in Madina.
  • Supervisors and teachers accompany both girls and boys.
  • Commendable facilities and clear guidance are provided to the students.
  • Provide great security, resources and transportation.
  • Students are engaged during free time with many activities.
  • Students are given separate ID cards to access during the trip.
  • Good medical care, health and safety  given great importance.
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